
学校法人 武南学園 武南高等学校

アメリカ研修 Harvard University



How did it feel to be leader? 

We took a leadership session. Today’s theme was “How did it feel to be leader?”  Our Facilitator, Nathan, gave some tasks to each student group. They were told to take turns becoming a group leader to achive their goal, like make a marshmallow tower on the desk. Students tried to solve the problems in English.  


We visited Harvard University. Some squirrels were on branches.  They were so cute. Three coordinators who are from the University came together and showed us the campus. One of the cafeterias was fascinating. It looked like we were lost in the Harry Potter World.  Because of a Magic, Syunya, Masaaki, and Shinnosuke lost their way inside the cafeteria. 


Think about designs you have seen every day! 

We has a trial lesson from profesor of Harvard niversity. She used slow and easy English. We talked about the design of "lifesaver straw".  It was difficult to express their own opinions in English. But they did best. We learned we have to rediscoever the desings of our personal belongings. 

Tomorrow we will have another snow storm according to the weather report.

May we walk around Boston and eat a famous lobster!